There is no school on Monday, September 2nd.
6 months ago, Warrensburg High School
No school
Yesterday, detectives walked through how to process a possible crime scene with a freshmen PLTW Principle of Biomedical Sciences class. As students work through the curriculum this semester, they will be building a case file, and will ultimately determine the cause of death of the "person" at the scene today.
6 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Crime Scene 1
Crime Scene 2
Crime Scene 3
Crime Scene 4
Routes 15 and 16 have been split and a new bus route has been created due to overcrowding. The new permanent Route #30 will start running this afternoon 8/29. The new Route stops and times will be posted as soon as they are available. Each building has a list of students on Route 30. Thank You
6 months ago, Troy Marnholtz
If you are interested in competing in eSports, please come to the Career Center after school on September 4th. There will be bus transportation from the High School. We look forward to seeing you!
6 months ago, Warrensburg High School
September Breakfast and Lunch menus
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
September breakfast
September lunch
August Breakfast and Lunch menus
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
August Breakfast
August Lunch
2024-2025 Meal Prices
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Meal Prices
Spirit Week-Monday, August 26th to Friday, August 30th.
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Spirit Week
All high school seniors in Missouri are required to receive their SECOND meningococcal vaccine. Please submit records to the high school health office by August 22nd.
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Senior Immunization
Senior drivers only- You can rent and paint your parking space for $25. Parking space rent is $15 in addition to $10 for the parking permit. The design of your parking space must be approved before painting begins. Parking spaces can be painted on Sunday, August 18th from 9am to 6pm and Monday, August 19th from 8am to 6pm. If you want to paint either of these days, your application and $25 cash or check payment must be received in the Assistant Principals' office by 3:30 pm on Friday, August 16th. Parking spaces can also be painted on Saturday, September 7th from 9am to 6pm and Sunday, September 8th from 9am to 6pm. If you want to paint either of these days, your application and $25 cash or check payment must be received in the Assistant Principals' office by 3:30 pm on Friday, September 5th. Parking spaces must be painted on the days listed above. So, please plan according.
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to complete the Free & Reduced Price Meals application online through LINQ Connect,
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Free Reduced Meals
School district meal payments are made through LINQ Connect. Register at You can add a student account, make a payment and transfer funds.
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
LINQ Connect
Classes will be dismissed at 12:35 pm on Friday, August 23rd.
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Early Dismissal Day
The first day of school is Thursday, August 22nd. Classes will begin at 7:30 am and will be dismissed at 12:35 pm
7 months ago, Warrensburg High School
First Day of School
Carnival for high school students with significant disabilities. The carnival will operate on a token-based system. Student can exchange tokens for prizes and snacks.
10 months ago, Warrensburg High School
It's a great day to be a WHS seniors! After breakfast this morning, seniors practiced for graduation. When practice was completed, the seniors loaded on busses to tour the other schools in the district.
10 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Mrs. Hunter's Biology I classes completed dissections this week.
10 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Seniors - All laptops and chargers must be brought to the tech office after Senior breakfast on Thursday, May 17th.
10 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Join WHS Student Council as they host a Movie on the Lawn at WHS Tiger Stadium! #TigerPride
10 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Movie on the lawn
The Drama Club costume sale starts today, May 13th! It will also be May 14th, 16th and 17th from 3-4pm in room 91. It will be just like going to a thrift store! Items as low as $1! We have formal dresses, suits, fur coats, hats, shoes and more!
10 months ago, Warrensburg High School
Costume Sale