The TRIAD AFJROTC CyberPatriot Team, Komputer Kernels, has earned a spot in the upcoming CyberPatriot Nationals Competition. This is the second year in a row that a TRIAD AFJROTC team will compete in this National competition.

The CyberPatriot program is a National Youth Cyber Education Program is a STEM program of the Air & Space Forces Association. It was created to inspire K-12 students to pursue careers in cybersecurity or other Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future.

The CyberPatriot competition included over 2,900 hundred nationwide teams this year who competed during the recent State placement round. The TRIAD Team competed in the All-Service Category with over 800 teams from High School Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Sea Cadets and Coast Guard teams.

Two TRIAD Teams earned a spot in the Semi-Final Round, Komputer Kernels and Server Samurais (both teams named by cadets). To move on to Nationals an All-Service team must be in the top two in their service category. Komputer Kernels prevailed and moved on to Nationals by being the number #2 of 52 AFJROTC teams and #13 of 224 All-Service Teams also placing them as #13 of over 800 all-service teams competing in semi-finals. Server Samurais had two of their five cadets unable to attend the competition and they still placed #13 of 52 AFJROTC teams.

The Komputer Kernels are composed of Cadets: Nathan Wiltrout, Team Captain, Senior, Warrensburg High School; Ethan Pruett, Senior, Knob Noster High School, Bryan Dreasler, Junior, Warrensburg High School, Anna McKee, Sophomore, Warrensburg High School and Hunter SMith, Sophomore, Knob Noster High School will travel to Bethesda Maryland for three days of competition from 15 - 17 March 2024 competing against 12 other teams in the All-Service Category. Cadets Wiltrout, Pruett and Smith were on last year's National Team placing 10th out of the 13 all-service teams and #10 of 1,518 All--Service teams nationwide.